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Welcome to The Momavist: Where Activism Blends With Parenting

Welcome to The Momavist!

I have been wanting to create a blog since I was pregnant with my daughter. Six years later, here I am fighting through all of the same mental obstacles I had then. The difference now is that the COVID-19 has our country home bound with our devices, and for some of us, with our partners, animals and children. 

Why is it called Momavist?

My initial “Momavist" step through this pandemic has been to use this break as an opportunity to fill in the "gaps" that have been missing in traditional education. For example, embracing minoritized languages, learning through play, creating a foundation that counters social constructions and decolonizing Eurocentric curriculum. Parenting can be a form of activism. For more about my activism outside of parenting, click here.

Performing a social justice poem at USC with my daughter when she was 3 years old
Day One
On our first day, I did 5-10 minute increments of learning-through-play games as a test run and had Sarina help me create our "schedule." Keep in mind that it looks like a lot because we were just testing them out in small doses.
I am purposefully showing our messy schedule.

Morning Lesson: Marshmallow Math, Snack, Stretch Break and Kids Yoga, Science Experiment, Science Puzzle, free play, lunch.
Afternoon: Reading time with puppet show (taking turns), Persian time, Set up Haft seen for Norooz, dinner, free play.

Since I am new to quite a few things right now and don't want to overwhelm myself, I am going to break up our activities into separate posts.

“Marshmallow Math" is ready to view here

Mastering Skills at Speaking a Language is ready here!
Two Easy and Yummy Science Experiments is ready here!


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